Caroline is loving baby Kelly. She lets her walk sometimes.
She always loves climbing on Daddy.

And we are at least pretending to potty train. She insisted that I get her a 'mamy' (magazine). Notice her phone is close by:) We are not close to being trained by the way.
We just returned from Florence-a long overdue trip. Somehow we got a surprise snow of about 4 inches. It was wonderful!!
This is what we saw around 10 am outside my parent's house.

This was as far as C went in the snow.......just like sand to her.

We made a mini snowman.

We had a wonderful dinner with friends. Caroline felt like such a big girl at the kids table.

We visited Jonathan's Great Aunt and Great Uncle in Huntsville. It was so nice to visit with them. Caroline especially loved their scooter.

Have you ever seen a happier child?
And we stopped for a night in Birmingham. Just enough time to squeeze in our first visit to Chuck E. Cheese....same initials as Caroline!