We've had a fun summer so far. Last week Tina, Parker and Claire came to visit and we had a blast. They went to the Battleship, Museum of Mobile, and several other cultural places. The kids had a wonderful time playing together. They got to join in on our Hokey Pokey wake-up routine. I took all the kids to Chuck E. Cheese for lunch one day. We had a great time!
Meeting Olivia:

Caroline loves playing with her cousins:

We celebrated Tina's birthday at Felix's Fish Camp:

Family Photos:

Olivia and Kelly are dressed alike:

Olivia likes bathtime!

Here's a good shot of her smile:

First time at church went smoothly since she slept in her carrier the entire time. Now we've been twice. Here's a pic after we got home the first time:

Tummy time is a family affair:

Backyard fun:

We recently went to Catfish Junction with Jonathan's grandmother and I managed to get one picture...can't ever seem to have my camera ready enough.