Well, I am NOT giving this up but I've just been overwhelmed with photos and absolutely no extra time to sit at a computer! I don't even have time to re-order these photos so this is a re-cap going backwards in time.
December was just so so busy! I think I brought a wrapped gift, covered dish or something to somewhere everyday in December. It was a great holiday season though. Caroline really seemed to understand Santa and counted down the days until Christmas. Olivia loved to see Santa in Target and would shout, "Saaanty". I had several people tell me that this would probably be my best Christmas ever because of the girls' ages. It WAS wonderful. We stayed here and celebrated with Jonathan's family on the Eve and then the day after my family came to see us for a few days. Always fun times.
My family came and we did our usual routines. Jonathan and I made it out for a date night too which was nice.

Christmas Eve dinner was at Jonathan's mother's house. All the cousins recited 'T'was the Night Before Christmas' with Grammy. Olivia enjoyed Grammy's Christamas ornaments (as she removed them from the tree) and Caroline especially loved her new Tangled nightgown from Uncle Jason and Aunt Jennifer.

The morning of Christmas Eve we did Christmas with Jonathan's father and Shirley. Caroline loved her Cinderella and horse! She and the boys had a race in the backyard.

We had breakfast with Santa at school. Olivia did not exactly love Santa.

Christmas Day was very exciting. Caroline headed into her new playhouse immediately. Olivia gathered up her new babydolls and walked around with them all day long. They also got a princess ball house, new doll cradle and chair (for Olivia's room), and a Jasmine outfit. Olivia kept saying, "Wow!" and Caroline kept saying, "I don't believe it!"
We put our cookies out, of course!
Christmas Eve dinner was at Jonathan's mother's house. All the cousins recited 'T'was the Night Before Christmas' with Grammy. Olivia enjoyed Grammy's Christamas ornaments (as she removed them from the tree) and Caroline especially loved her new Tangled nightgown from Uncle Jason and Aunt Jennifer.
We watched The Nutcracker at least once a day for weeks! Caroline danced the entire time and Olivia joined in some too.

The morning of Christmas Eve we did Christmas with Jonathan's father and Shirley. Caroline loved her Cinderella and horse! She and the boys had a race in the backyard.
The night of the 23rd we opened our gifts to each other at home, made cookies and read alot of books. And watched alot of Christmas Disney movies!

Caroline's Christmas program at school was SOOO sweet. I cried! They all were having such fun singing. She was the line leader that day and so I got a good picture with her wonderful teacher, Ms. Kerri.

Caroline sang at Bellingrath Gardens with the Children's Choir at church. It was so fun to watch but I think she like the popcorn best of all. It is our 3rd year in a row for me to take her to see the lights 'just us'.

We had breakfast with Santa at school. Olivia did not exactly love Santa.
Caroline's 4th birthday was so bittersweet-it's hard to believe she is already 4. She is making all these silly noises and has some new silly voices that are SO 4 year old. We had her party at the Watermelon Patch and had a great time. It was an Ariel party.....I tried to change her mind but that was what she wanted so she got it!
At home and at school, we had Tangled/Rapunzel parties! Purple all the way!

Crazy girl!

Christmas photos!

There is also a picture of Olivia's doll that she covered up in her bed to go 'niy-niy'.
Olivia's Christmas party was precious-they did their prayer hands:)

Crazy girl!
Christmas photos!

Jonathan worked on Thanksgiving so me and the girls headed to Birmingham to celebrate with my family. I spent the majority of my time keeping Olivia away from the stairs, which a full-time job. We had a delicious turkey and good cousin bonding time.
The first week of November we went to Disney World! It was our second time this year but Olivia had grown so much it felt like it had been longer. We weren't there very long but we packed alot in a short amount of time. I got to be there on my birthday which was fabulous because EVERYONE said Happy Birthday and it really felt like a special day! Jonathan surprised me with a birthday cake at Le Cellier! I loved every minute!

Halloween was especially fun this year. Caroline ended up wearing a few costumes (she has quite a collection at this point).
To her school parade she was Dorothy. And for the fall festival at church and for trick-or-treating she was a bee. Caroline's class went to pick our pumpkins and her Kindermusik class dressed like birds!