Sunday, October 28, 2007

Apologies to my city officials

Friday night I did some volunteer work with a friend who has also just moved here. Our jobs were to mark invitees off the list as they arrived at the Police Department Appreciation Banquet. I think we might have offended a few people by asking thier names....namely the Police Chief and Mayor. Oops!!

Meanwhile, we have 'baby gear' all over our apartment now and this is just the beginning I know. Our new favorite addition is the frog humidifier. We plugged it up to see how it worked and now we use it every night. I must say, he looks a little scary in the dark.

Here's a shot of the 34 week belly. I am so glad cold weather is almost here....whew!

1 comment:

Donnelly said...

Oh no! That is too funny--seems like something I would do!!!

I love your blog, and I hope you continue to post to it as often as possible. Caroline's room is so very pretty and inviting!