Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Mommy and Baby


Anna said...

The pictures turned out great! You and Caroline are beautiful.

Nikki said...

I miss you all so much!! Our life has been in a whirl wind lately and just flown by it seems. I have been so crappy at keeping in touch!! We have been busy with sickness and ball but things are looking up! Caroline is just beautiful and it is so fun to keep up with you all on here...You are in for it now, with her getting into everything...I totally agree with the Octopus comment from Tina...Chloe actually ate an old piece of chewed up bubblegum from the ground at the ballpark the other day before I knew what happened...it is still haunting me but I am trying to get over it...I might need some counseling to get there though. So glad you are joining me in this wonderful adventure!! Love the stories and I actually thought of you (as I do numerous times a week, You and Ellen) when Cold Play was on the today show!! Talk to you later...You sure have a beauty on your hands!!