Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Santa vs Shots....which is worse?

We had an accidental experiment yesterday. We found out that a one year old finds Santa slightly more disturbing than shots. I did not expect her to go to Santa without some fuss, but had I known we were all going to have to be in the picture I would have at least worn some lipstick!!!! She cried after shots too, but not as much. She played peek-a-boo with the administering nurse almost immediately after they were done. Santa didn't get so much as a wave.

Here she is recovering from Santa (at Chick-fil-a, of course) and later playing with her new popper toy.

1 comment:

Anna said...

It gets better. This year and next will be rough but once she figures out that you better be nice to the man in the red suit to get toys, she'll be all smiles and giggles and talk to him about everything.