Thankfully, we've been busy having fun the past 2 or 3 weeks. Only one more weekend in C'ville left for me and Caroline. I can't believe it. I have already said my goodbyes to my friends from MOPS/church and Junior League. I seriously met some awesome women during my time here. I am going to my favorite pizza-by-the-slice place every chance I get now. Yes, I went today! My list of things to do before I leave is getting short now. It's definitely bittersweet because I am sad yet at the same time I am really getting excited about the future too.
Tina and kids have been here the last few days and we've had a blast. It was a win-win situation-the kids really helped me clean out the cupboard and freezer! I got addicted to the wii again, as expected. Good times. They left this morning as Caroline waved saying, "Bye bye bye bye."
It's really hard to get 3 to look in the same direction.
We had a great time at the park. Caroline was fearless and would have run into the woods if I hadn't stayed on her. (she protested this, of course)
Parker and Claire were great cousins. Parker sat and talked to Caroline every morning while she ate breakfast, twirled her around, let her play with the wii remote and even shared his food.

Claire was awesome. She read SO SO many books for Caroline with an abundance of patience. She also pushed Caroline around the house on her little car. (this requires hands and knees positioning so it doesn't happen often)
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