Monday, July 6, 2009

House and Holiday

We had a great 4th of July. We had yummy food at Grammy's house.

Caroline seems to love her cute cousins.

Must show off my first baked item from the new kitchen. Jonathan said I needed to recount the blueberries.

Caroline is learning her way around the house. Yes, she owns the place right now.
She's saying alot of words now-up, down, go, stop, door, backpack, and more. I never thought I liked the Barney song but I love it now that it gives me a guaranteed hug and kiss.
A typical morning includes:
-Climbing on the bar stools

-Playing a game with Mommy


-Rearranging the shoes in Mommy's closet

-Going up and down the stairs

-Playing in her closet

I'm tired by lunchtime! This fall we are going to do some toddler gymnastics and kindermusik. I think she has the energy to do as much as I can find!

1 comment:

Shanaenae said...

Once you get settled, I want to see pics of the house- how exciting!! Glad the move was smooth.