This was a big week with so many new things going on. The biggest, I suppose, was the start of our Mother's Day Out. She had a big first day and really enjoyed it. I REALLY liked it too:)
I dropped her off....
and picked her up. Yes, she is wearing a different outfit-already used the extras thanks to some water on the playground. I love that they do music and art each day.
At home, she found her old car seat in storage and it now sits in the den as her recliner.

And getting on the coffee table is a favorite....but she usually needs help off!

I found a women's Bible study group that is wonderful and we started Kindermusik too. She absolutely loves the singing but has no intention of sitting beside Mommy (or anywhere) in class. She likes to run around the whole time which is fun to watch. This weekend we went to Granny Cole's 93rd birthday party at the lake and a Mobile Bay Bear's baseball game.
The lake was so pretty-reminded me of home. Granny Cole is still going strong, cracking good jokes.
High-five for the mascot.

I think I am getting adjusted to Mobile. I have met so many truly nice people just this week. It is wonderful to have family around and we love our house. The Eastern Shore shopping area is nice-we have our Rave movie theatre again. We live close to a Super Target and Chick-fil-a:) Caroline loves her activities, the mall, and the parks. I am doing better not thinking about the little things that bother me-like the abundance of humidity, litter, and potholes. (see picture-pothole in every parking space at our only mall)
Now, if we can just keep those hurricanes away!! So far so good.