The last 2 weeks have been a blur. We've had some runny noses and sore throats....and now coughs. We've missed Mother's Day Out, 2 playgroups, a book group meeting, and more. I did force myself to 2 mandatory Junior League meetings and the symphony last night so I am keeping some sanity! I still haven't done any den decorating so it is a sparse place to be cooped up. Thank goodness for the playroom and the dining room that is our 'daycare' room currently:) We've been working on letters A, B, C and colors. She likes to point out 'Boo' (blue). She has lots of new words-my favorite is 'docks' for socks.
Caroline likes to sit in the big chairs.

She likes to put Minnie Mouse in her chair and pretend to feed her. She gets me to put the bib on and then she wipes Minnie's mouth and hands afterwards.

At least we have the bar stools to sit in AND for entertainment.

First Oreo. I know, probably not a good thing to introduce. She ate every morsel.
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