Friday, October 16, 2009

Where has the time gone???

I can't believe it has been so long since an update. Lots has been going on. Mainly, I have been sick.....morning sick!! Cole Baby #2 is expected April 27, 2010!

Here's a first pic:

We are very excited!! I am sure Caroline will like having someone new around to play with. We have cleaned out the future nursery (it was the catch-all room for awhile) and will plan the decor after we find out boy or girl. I have managed to only buy a few toys and gender neutral outfits so far:)

Otherwise, Caroline has been having a blast. Still doing Mother's Day Out, Kindermusik, and we are in 3 playgroups! She loves putting diapers on her dolls. At least 3 times a day, this is what I see.

We tried foam rollers. Looked funny, didn't really work:(

The twins turned 1! We had a blast at their party. I can't believe it's been a year. Double heartbreakers:)

We went to our first football game for Caroline's future school, UMS-Wright. Longest 2 quarters I have ever sat through but we did it. I think she really likes the cheerleaders. Everytime she sees an Auburn symbol she does her version of "War Eagle Hey".

Caroline and I went to Bham for a few days for some fun. We stayed with Tina and Brian as usual and Mom and Dad came too. I could have eaten at Jason's Deli everyday but we only went twice. (love that salad bar!) The best part of the trip for me was when Caroline saw a little boy breakdancing on tv and started doing it too. SO funny. Everyday she goes to school they tell me how much she enjoys music and it's true!

Cousins....Parker got temp halloween hair paint at his school's fall festival!

This is her really, really excited face.

I am on a Junior League project that works with high schoolers at Wilmer Hall Childrens Home. We carved some pumpkins with them...they turned out great!

We made it to the pumpkin patch with some friends and had a blast!

Look at the beautiful cookies we ate!

1 comment:

Shanaenae said...

Once again CONGRATS on Baby Cole #2!! I am so excited for you. Love the cheerleader outfit, she is getting so big and cuter by the minute!!! Miss you