Olivia is now 2 weeks old and the weeks are flying by. I am so grateful for our friends who have been so giving. We have yet to cook a meal and there is another week of meals coming. Such a blessing!
Mom and Dad were here a week which was SO helpful. I had to pry Olivia out of Mom's hands most of the time:) Caroline had such a fun time too. She broke our hearts when she started crying, "I want my Nana" as Nana and Papa were leaving. But 2 year olds rebound quickly thankfully.
She loved walking around the neighborhood with Papa. (in her tutu)

Nana and Caroline played in the yard everyday. She dressed in her Tinkerbell outfit one day and they played with bubbles. She is truly FULL of JOY. I was a 3 year old teacher at a daycare one summer in college. There was one girl in my class who I will never forget. She was always happy, sweet and sang to herself while she played. I adored her...and now I have a daughter who reminds me of her. What a gift!

Nana enjoyed her time with Olivia. We are supplementing with bottles so she got to help feed too.

Caroline also got in on the bottles.

I could not have imagined that Caroline would do this well with Olivia. She hasn't had one problem so far. She says she loves her, kisses her, points out all her body parts. The only disturbance is her observation that Olivia doesn't have eyebrows yet. She seems puzzled by this.

Content right after a bath.

Most of my time is spent in the infamous man chair that we can't seem to get rid of yet. Just like last time we had a newborn. Oh well. It's serving a purpose, that is for sure.

We had some professional pictures taken today but here are some I snapped last week for fun.

Our 2 week doctor visit was this past Wednesday. Olivia weighed 9 lbs 8 ozs!
I can't express how much I am enjoying Olivia so far. I want to squeeze every second out of everyday.