Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Birthday kickoff

We are getting ready for our quarterly trip to AL, stopping in Atlanta for some shopping and football of course. Yesterday was Jonathan's birthday so we had a little kickoff celebration. I had my heart set on making him a cake but forgot to buy the icing to decorate so I improvised with his favorite candy. His gift looks rather small, but it does not include the new, upgraded Tivo in the bedroom:)

Packing is going to be interesting. How in the world am I going to remember all the sippy cups, snacks, bowls, bottle liners, etc? I am sure we will be stopping at Target for some entertainment anyway. Gets tricky when you are spending 2 nights in a row in hotels with no dishwasher!

1 comment:

Anna said...

Take your bottle brush with you and a small thing of dishwashing detergent. You can wash things in the bathroom sink and let them dry on the counter.

I don't envy you with a baby in a hotel room! You guys going to the GT game?