Valentine's Day was nice but nothing too crazy. Jonathan had to work and I had a cold so we stayed home from church and made heart shaped pancakes for breakfast. Caroline helped me 'clean up' as she likes to say.

Must have been hard work-she was OUT for her nap. Loved her relaxing position.
We ended up meeting Daddy at Panera for dinner. Caroline likes to say she is 2 and then joke that she is 3. Her sense of humor is keeping us laughing. Just this week she has told me that she kissed and hugged snakes at Disney World, she wanted to go night-night at the mall, the baby is in her tummy, and more. She is becoming quite the bossy girl telling me not to touch things and where to sit or stand.

On Mardi Gras day, she went with Grammy and Ole to some parades all bundled up.

On Mardi Gras day, she went with Grammy and Ole to some parades all bundled up.
She came home with goodies that she is still loves to wear!
to this very quickly. Yet I am loving this stage.
We went with Nana, Ole and Grammy to Stix one night. (one of our favorite places) Caroline loved watching the chef.
A few days ago Caroline and I went to a Curious George show. She enjoyed it but pretty much only remembers that Curious George cried and then got happy.

We got our 2nd haircut. After making a few faces in the mirror, she was very somber during the haircut but went back to her jovial self afterwards. Her expressions remind me so much of Jonathan. He has these same scowl-type expressions if he is waiting for me to get ready to go somewhere:)

We've had alot of fun playing at home. Jonathan has some new flips he does with her over his shoulder that she loves. I remember doing the exact same thing with my Dad and, just like me, she usually laughs so hard the hiccups start. She also enjoys wearing Mommy's shoes and riding on Daddy's feet.

Potty training is officially on hold until Summer. I am working on getting her to say 'Mickey' instead of 'Mimmit' and 'paci' instead of 'pappis'. Her new favorite thing to say to me is, "Chew it good" since she has heard this phrase from me so many times.
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