I think I am nesting. Or obsessing. Maybe they are the same thing? Actually, it isn't all THAT different from my normal behavior but the to-do items are a little different. I am so afraid that I won't be able to do anything in the next 3 months, so I have to do it all now. I can only imagine what I will come up with next...my to-do list for each week starts on Sunday night, but evolves as the week goes on. All the baby stuff is done so now the items are getting kind of strange.... last week's list included things like:
-Purchase Thanksgiving meal ingredients
-Annual Christmas ornaments purchased
-Baby's stocking ordered
-Christmas labels, return addresses printed
-Christmas stamps purchased
-All Christmas gifts purchased and wrapped
-Refill birthday card file for next year
-All jewelry and jewelry box cleaned
-Calendars and planner pages for 2008 ordered
-Leather purses/accessories cleaned and conditioned
-Leather purses/accessories cleaned and conditioned
-Purchase 3 month supply of all toiletries
-Stock up on batteries in all sizes
-Back-up iTunes and photos on cds
On the baby front, confirmed at dr. appt today that she is in 'correct' position. Her weight is roughly estimated at over 6 lb. right now (gulp). Everywhere I go I am getting the 'when are you due' question so I guess I am looking big!
On the C-ville front, Thursday night I went to an open house event (junior league) at a boutique store in our downtown area and it was so cute. It would be a fun place to go for anyone who visits here.....here's a peek. http://www.novelboutique.com/
1 comment:
You're too funny! I love the "to-do" list. I wish I were just 1/10 as organized as you are. Love the blog! You look soooo cute!!! Pregnancy looks good on you. :-)
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